The art to embellish
Look great and feel amazing

Our services
Since over 20 year we provide cosmetic services to perfection for 20 years - personally and individually tailored to your wishes and needs.
Whether classic facial care, anti-aging or carbon peeling: before every facial care treatment, we analyze your skin carefully, i.e. without make-up. Depending on your skin type and taking your needs and wishes into account, we will provide you with treatment options and, if desired, the appropriate home care recommendations.
Body- and Intim Waxing
We have over 20 years of experience in professional body and intimate waxing and have the optimal wax for your (possibly particularly sensitive) skin and hair - even on tricky parts of the body. Note htat your hairs must be at least 2 mm so that the wax “grabs” and you get a perfect result. So let your hair grow 2-3 weeks after your last shave. We also recommend that you avoid sunbathing (including solarium) for 48 hours before and after a visit. Please do not use scented lotions, deodorants and soaps for 24 hours after the treatment if possible. From the 4th day after waxing, we recommend regular peelings, i.e. 1-2 times a week, depending on your skin type, to keep your skin supple and soft and to avoid ingrowing hairs. Hair removal with wax is always associated with bearable pain. The more often the procedure is repeated, the less pain: the hairs grow back finer and slower after waxing, so you have about 4-7 weeks of rest before waxing.

Take a break, be pampered and spoil you and your skin a fantastic experience.

Anti-Aging - RF Microneedling
Long-term anti-aging effects:
Firmer, younger, more even skin
Wrinkle reduction
Improved skin appearance:
Reduced pores
Reduction of hyperpigmentation and redness from rosacea
approx. 60 min.
Price (CHF)
to be discussed

Mesotherapie ist eine minimal-invasive Behandlung, die gezielt Wirkstoffe in die Haut einschleust. Mesotherapie kann für viele Hautprobleme eingesetzt werden, wie z.B. trockene Haut, Narben, Falten, Haarausfall oder auch zur Cellulite-Behandlung: Hautverjüngung und Verbesserung der Hautstruktur: - reduziert feine Linien und Falten -strafft die Haut und verbessert die Hautelastizität. - verfeinert die Poren und verbessert die Hauttextur - langfanhaltende Wirkung durch die Stimulation der Kollagen- und Elastinproduktion in der Haut - geeignet zur Reduktion von Pigmentstörungen und Hautrötungen reduziert - glättet Aknenarben und andere Hautunebenheite Hydratation und Nährstoffversorgung: - versorgt die Haut wird intensiv mit Feuchtigkeit und essentiellen Vitaminen - gesunder, strahlender Teint (Glow); das Gesicht erscheint natürlich praller, erholt und gesünder Minimalinvasiv, schonend: - schmerzarm - geringes Risiko für Komplikationen - keine Ausfallzeiten
approx. 60 min.
Price (CHF)
to be discussed

Stop hair loss - Mesotherapy
Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment that specifically introduces active ingredients into the skin. Mesotherapy can be used for many skin concerns, such as dry skin, scars, wrinkles, hair loss, or cellulite treatment.
approx. 60 min.
Price (CHF)
to be discussed
Hair removal
Do you have hair that bothers you? Are you tired of stubble, ingrown hairs, itchy hair growing back, redness after shaving, even though you want smooth and fine skin? Or does body odor bother you despite intensive showering?
Waxing can help.

I had some nightmare wasing experiences in my past (e.g. extrem pain, bruises, etc.) and was in search of a new cosmetican. By then I don't know that waxing can be performed softly, fast and senstive.
Elisabeth, S. (48)
New arrival
Emerald by Italwax
The wax allows smooth hair removal of tin, fine as well as short and shaved hair and suitable for senstive skin.

Hair removal
Do you have hair that bothers you? Are you tired of stubble, ingrown hairs, itchy hair growing back, redness after shaving, even though you want smooth and fine skin? Or does body odor bother you despite intensive showering?
Waxing can help.
Despite intensive showering and personal hygiene, my exhalation unsettled and bothered me. Thanks to body waxing, I have my exhalation under control again and the annoying ingrown hairs after shaving are a thing of the past.
Justin, W. (17)
Prices (CHF) per treatment area
Combo offers
Intim - cheast - belly - armpits - back - arms - legs
Intime - cheast - belly - armpits - back
Intim - armpits
Other areas of body possible; prices avaliable upon request.
Contact us

Dorfplatz 2
6372 Buochs

upon agreement*
upon agreement*
0700 - 2000
During threatments, we can't take your call personally. Please leave us a message or contact us via SMS or WhatsApp. We will revert as soon as possible. Note that we will not return calls with suppressed numbers. Many thanks for your understanding.
* The annulation of an appointment is free of charge if we are notificated at least 24 hours before the appointment is due.